Inbound Delivery Process
In SAP S/4HANA Embedded Warehouse Management the Inbound Delivery document containing the required data for performing and monitoring Inbound Delivery Process with in the warehouse.
The Inbound Delivery process starts with Goods Receipt, and end with final put-away of the product in destination storage bin, production or outbound delivery.
Organizational Data
Company Code
Plant and storage location assigned EWM
Purchasing Organization
Purchasing Group
Shipping Point
Warehouse Structure
Warehouse defined and assign to plant
Warehouse Storage type
Storage Section
Storage Bin
Transactional Data
Vendor Master
Material Master
Party entitled to dispose
EWM Configuration
EWM should configured with ECC
Warehouse Process Type configuration
Purchase Order Processing

Approved requisition is received by the purchasing department
Purchasing officer create the purchase order
T-code: ME21N
Header Data
Enter – vendor*
Purchase Organization*
Purchasing Organization*
Material Code*
Measure Unit*
Storage Location*
Item Detail*
Confirmation – Inbound delivery*
Note: * All data is essential to create PO for
Inbound delivery Process in EWM
Purchase Order Processing
An official document called ‘Purchase Order’ (PO) will be created to each vendor and order the material
These documents will be sent to the concerned Vendors through..

Purchase Order Processing
Based on the Purchase order vendors will send the material to the plants
In Plant concerned people will receive the material (Goods will be received)
Inbound Delivery Processing in EWM

Goods Receipt Processing

Create Inbound Delivery in ECC
T-Code: VL31N
Enter Vendor
Purchase Order Number
ASN Number Optional
Press Enter
Enter Received Quantity and Save
The Inbound delivery distributed in WM system message will appear on the screen

Inbound Delivery Processing in EWM

T-code: /N/SCWM/PRDI
Enter- ERP INB Document 18005514 Number Execute
Header Data & Item Data Line view

Header Data Form View

Goods Receipt

Warehouse Monitor

Warehouse Task Creation

Confirm Warehouse Order

Confirm Warehouse Order

Goods Receipt

Rajesh Sharma
SAP MM/EWM Functional Consultant
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