Storage Bins in SAP S/4HANA EWM
This blog will discuss the storage bins in SAP S/4HANA EWM.
Storage Bins
The storage bin is the smallest organizational unit in the warehouse organization structure. Storage bins define a position in a warehouse where a product is stored or located. A storage type is a collection of multiple storage spaces called a storage bin.
Configuration Storage Bins
1. Define Storage Bin Type
You can define your storage bin types. Storage type can divide your storage bins into groups according to their physical attributes (for example, large bins, or small bins).
During slotting, you can have the system determine a preferred storage bin type.
In combination with the handling unit type, a suitable storage bin is suggested to you during put-away.
You can assign geographical coordinates to store bin location
The name of storage bins can be updated based on the physical location address
Before creating storage bins, you need to maintain the control parameters for warehouse numbers such as Weight unit, Volume Unit, Time Unit, and Length Unit.
1. Decide whether you want to use storage bin type determination or slotting.
2. Create your storage bin types with the relevant descriptions.

2. Define Storage Bin Identifier
You can define storage bin identifiers. You use these to Define Storage Bin Structures to uniquely identify the parts of the storage bin and to define activity areas independently of the storage type.
For each part of a storage bin, you can define a letter as the storage bin identifier.
If necessary, define the storage bin identifier for the individual parts of a storage bin. You can make one entry for each warehouse number.
If you do not define any storage bin identifiers, later on, you will not be able to define activity areas independently of the storage type.
You define the following storage bin identifiers for your storage bin structure in the warehouse
Aisle: A
Stack: S
Level: L

Define Storage Bin Structure

Storage Bin Creation
Storage bin can be created in EWM using three ways
4.1 Manual Storage Bin Creation

4.2 Upload Storage Bin through the Program

4.3 Mass Storage Bin Creation

Step 1: Enter Warehouse Number, select line item

Step 2: Display Simulation

Step 3: Click on Create and Save

Note: When we are creating the bin we are getting the above error.
Solution Steps:
1. Create a Supply Chain Unit using T-code: /N/SCMB/SCUMAIN
2. Assign Supply Chain unit to EWM warehouse
1) Create a Supply Chain Unit

Step 1: Enter the Supply Chain unit, and Type, click on create

Step 2: Click on the address tab, enter a description and update address

Step 3: Click on Alternatives, and create alternatives, save

2) Assign Warehouse Number

Step 1: Click on New entries, enter the warehouse number, supply chain unit, and save

Step 1: Create Storage Bins

Select line item

Display Simulation

Create and save

Note: As we create and assign Supply Chain Unit to Warehouse we can create Storage Bins in the warehouse
Display Storage Bins in the Warehouse Monitor
We can display the storage bin in the warehouse monitor

Step 1: Enter the Warehouse Number, Monitor, and Execute

Step 2: Stock & Storage Bin, Enter Storage Type and Execute

All Storage bins available in storage type displayed

To get information on individual bins we double-click the individual storage bin status screen open
1) Storage Bin Details

2) Stock:
Click on Stock, here will be available product, stock, quantity, and batch number information

3) Physical Inventory tab

4) Statistic

5) Activity Areas

6) Warehouse tasks Open Inbound/ Open Outbound

7) PSA

Status of Storage Bin, now open for put-away and stock removal

We can block and un block from warehouse monitor
1) Block for Put-away

Bins are blocked for put-away

Click on Storage bin to check status is blocked for put-away

Now block for stock removal

Display Storage Bin, blocked for put-away and stock removal

Unblock the Storage bin

All bins are unblocked

Display the storage bins, it is open status for put-away and stock removal

This blog inspired me to write from Mr. Naidu EWM trainer recorded training session videos.
Here we understand how storage bins are created in SAP S/4HANA EWM and how we can control storage bins in the warehouse monitor.
Rajesh Sharma
SAP WM/EWM Functional Consultant
§ Linked in profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rajesh-sharma-204910278/
§ Twitter: RajeshS98151512/ RAJESH SHARMA@RAJESHS21287609
§ SAP Blogs: https://www.sastrageek.com/blognd