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EWM General Questions & Answers

Writer's picture: Rajesh Sharma Rajesh Sharma

Updated: Jan 19, 2023

In this blogs You will get some general questions to be asked in interview what would be possible answers

Q.1: Can we assign two Sales Organizations to a plant?


Yes One plant can assigned multiple combinations of Sales Organization and Distribution Channel. Each combination of sales organization and Distribution Channel can do business for multiple plants.

  • · One Company can have multiple Company Code.

  • · One Company Code assigned to only one Company.

  • · The relationship between Company and Company Code is One-to-Many.

  • · One Company Code can have multiple Sales Organizations.

  • · One Sales Organization assigned to only one Company Code.

  • · The relationship between Company Code and Sales Organization is One-to-Many.

  • · One Sales Organization can have multiple Distribution Channels.

  • · One Distribution Channel can assign to multiple Sales Organizations.

  • · The relationship between Sales Organization and Distribution Channel is Many-to-Many.

  • · One Sales Organization can have multiple Divisions.

  • · One Division can assign to multiple Sales Organizations.

  • · The relationship between Sales Organization and Division is Many-to-Many.

  • · Sales Area is combination of one Sales Organization, one Distribution Channel and one Division.

  • · Sales Office assigned to Sales Area.

  • · Sales Group assigned to Sales Office.

  • · One Company Code can have multiple Plants.

  • · One Plant assigned to only one Company Code.

  • · The relationship between Company Code and Plant is One-to-Many.

  • One Plant can have multiple Shipping Point.

  • One Shipping Point can assign to multiple Plants.

  • The relationship between Plant and Shipping Point is Many-to-Many.

  • One Shipping Point can have multiple Loading Points.

  • One Loading Point assigned to only one Shipping Point.

  • The relationship between Shipping Point and Loading Point is One-to-Many.

  • One Plant can assign to multiple combination of Sales Organizations and Distribution Channels.

  • Each combination of Sales Organization and Distribution Channel can do business from multiple Plants.

  • The relationship between Plant and combination of Sales Organization and Distribution Channel is Many-to-Many.

  • You can Assign One Plant Storage Location to a warehouse number

  • We can add another plant to a warehouse for that we need to assign an additional plant storage location to the warehouse number in ERP connect the Plant/Storage Location to an availability group for that warehouse in EWM

  • We cannot make change never in existing Warehouse Number Configuration. With the exception of the removal of the party entitled to dispose. Because in Multi client warehouse we you cannot have default.

  • We need is a customer and vendor as business partners for deliveries for this plant and one of them with the role of CRM011- to represent the plant for the Stock. Assuming we are talking about decentralized system. But in Embedded EWM you only need One BP with customer/vendor role, and in there we need to assign the plant.

So we are not really assign another plant to the warehouse in EWM, you only make settings that the stock can be identified.

Q.2: Steps to Assign Plant to EWM Warehouse?


1) Create your ERP plant, assign it to your storage locations ( 1 Or many), and assign it to your ERP 3 digit Warehouse.

2) Create your plant as vendor and customer and assign the plant in your vendor master. You can either assign Plant in vendor master or assign plant as sales area in your customer master. Generally we assign Plant in vendor master and SAP also says this.

3) CIF your plant, Vendor and customer having value equal to 2 ''Create Both BP and location''.(CFM1/CFM2). Upon successful CIFing, EWM will have Business partner having CRM011 as unique identification number in BP. Since warehouse is connected to 2 plants now, you need for each plant exactly one business partner with external identification CRM011 and the corresponding plant number. This business partner represents the plant in EWM and has the function of party entitled to dispose of the stock. Any stock in EWM must be assigned to a party entitled to dispose.

4) CIF your shipping points for newly created plant

5) Since storage locations from ERP cannot be CIFF to EWM SCM system, you need to map a virtual attributes of ERP storage location in EWM which is called as Availability group. Assign your ERP plant, Storage location to EWM Warehouse and Availability group. You can further expand your availability group assignment to Stock types.

6) As expert Juergen has mentioned that you can remove the'' Default Part Entitled to dispose'' assign warehouse configuration because here you are working with multiple plants, so just remove that field only.( Don't remove any other fields here, else whole EWM site would be jeopardized)

7) When we CIF plant to EWM, it creates Location (PL as prefix) and Supply chain Unit (PL), what SAP suggests in case of multiple plants assigned to 1 EWM warehouse is either of these 2.

A) Use the SCU of one of the plants as warehouse SCU (if the address of the plant is identical to the address of the warehouse) OR

B) If several plants are linked to your warehouse you can either insert the shipping offices SO and receiving offices RO in the SCU hierarchy /SCMB/SCUMAIN directly under the warehouse SCU or build a multilevel hierarchy including the plant SCUs.

Test all these in your test system before moving to Production.

Q.3: Can we have multiple Handling Units packed in Same Deliveries?


1. Delivery creation :

You select handling units for sales orders and JIT call numbers, and create deliveries directly for them.

The system creates a delivery containing the cumulated material items, and assigns the handling units to the delivery.

2. Assigning handling units to deliveries :

You select handling units for sales orders and JIT call numbers, and assign them directly to open deliveries.

The system updates the delivery with the cumulated material items and assigns the handling units to the delivery.

3. Changing the assignment of handling unit to order/delivery :

You select the handling unit and assign it to a different sales order or to a different delivery. You can also delete all existing references.

4. Assigning non-assigned handling units to orders/deliveries :

You can call up a list of appropriate, as yet non-assigned, handling units for any order or delivery, and assign them to your order or delivery from this list.

Q.4: Can combine multiple deliveries in Invoice?


We can combine multiple delivery in invoice when the bill to party, payment terms and billing date is same, billing date that means billing is done only once in a month for the particular customer, then you can combines all deliveries of that month create invoice.

Q.5: New Price cannot be carried out Invoice?


It can be carry out

1. EDIT ->MASS CHANGE >NEW PRICING and update the New pricing, then will carry out new pricing for all the sales orders at a

2. In sales documents we can set manually billing date at header level (applicable to the whole document) and at item level (applicable to a line item). This billing date will be used as pricing date. When billing, a new pricing will be run

Q.6: What is the Replacement transaction for Customer Master in S/4 HANA BP?

Answer: in ECC

  • Customer and vendor master data created these ways

  • Customer master data created with transaction XD01, VD01, FD01

  • Vendor master data created with transaction Xk01, Fk01, Mk01 and also with business partner with transaction is ‘BP’ with S/4HANA BP remains there but transaction for customer XD01, VD01, FD01 and Vendor created XK01, FK01, MK01 are obsolete. When you try to create customer or vendor with these transactions the system will redirects to you to transaction ‘BP’

We can extend the Business Partner to customer master by adding BP roles

FLCU00- FI-Customer (FI View)

FLCU01- Customer (Sales View)

We can extend the Business Partner to Vendor master by adding BP roles

FLVN00- FI Vendor (FI View)

FLVN01- Vendor (Purchasing View)

Q.7: Customer Master/Vendor Master 3 view tables?


Customer Master Data Table

o KNA1- General View

o KNB1- Finance View

o KNVV- Sales View

Vendor Master Data Table

o LFA1- General View

o LFB1- Finance View

o LFM1- Purchasing View

Q.8: The same warehouse can be used for both Warehouse management and extended warehouse management?


We need to decide which is suitable solution either WM or EWM both system implementation is not possible in the same warehouse.

A plant may have multiple WM or EWM warehouse because WM/EWM/IM assigned on Storage Location level.

Q.9: What condition technique do you use to trigger EDI from Delivery Document- NACE?


Output determination is the process to determine the “Media” such as printouts, telexes, faxes, emails, or EDI that are sent from one business to any of its business partners.

The output can be sent to business partners (customer/vendor) in the format which is defined in documents such as invoices, order confirmations, delivery notes, or shipping notifications. Output determination can be maintained

1) Customer Master: Output determination can be maintained in customer master. Output proposal triggered by the customer master does not have the benefit of using an access sequence (A search criteria, which is using to get valid data for a condition Type)

2) Condition Technique: Output determination can be triggered by condition technique. Output determination using condition technique can be maintain 3 purposes;

o Output determination for sales activities (Sales call, Sales Letters, Phone calls etc.)

o Output determination for sales document (Invoice, etc.)

o Output determination for Billing Document (Billing, etc.)

Output Determination for Sales Activities


o T-code: V/30

o Select Output Type node

o Click on New entries


o Enter Output type, description and select general data tab

o Enter Access Sequence

o Check asses to conditions

o Unchecked multiple issuing


o Enter transmission medium (Medium output)

o Enter Partner Function


o Check timing 4 in Time tab (Immediate) not allowed


o Click on save button. A message “Data was saved” will be displayed

T-code: NACE- Output Determination

Output is a form of media from a business to one of its business partners. The possible media forms are printouts, faxes telexes, e-mails, and EDI. The output can be sent to any of the partners defined in the document. Outputs are usually in the form of order confirmations, delivery notes, invoices shipping notifications.

Q.10: Can you specify when outputs can be triggered and list what possibilities do you have Ex- Print, mail fax?


Output determination is sales and distribution allows you to control proposal using assignments and groupings in such a way that the system selects the output allowed in each sales transaction and carries out output processing according to predefined criteria.

SAP recommends the output proposal using the condition technique.

First you have to configure the Output type in the application doc Transaction by giving Output type, partner, Medium, Language and other print parameters

this will create an entry in NAST table

then you have to do configuration in the SPRO by assigning the FORM script/smart form and the program, medium and the routine form etc

which will create an entry in TNAPR table

after that the corresponding form routine is triggered when you issue Output to printer from the application document by triggering the corresponding routine in the driver program.

Q.11: Is it possible to change existing standard item categories? But not recommended


We can use Standard Item category but not make any change in standard if you need to change make copy of the standard Item category make change as per business need and save it by your on name.

Q.12: How many shipping points can you assign to a sales organization?


Shipping point can assign to Plant not to sales organization. Shipping point always we maintain in client level. There is no assignment between sales organization and shipping point. This assign to plant

There is No direct relation between Sales org and Shipping Point in SAP

Shipping point as an organizational unit is managed directly under client

Sales organizations in broader level, it is responsible for selling a product in a company.

It is liable to the customer interms of service of the product or service and confirmation of the sale order, delivery and invoicing.

Shipping Point is a logical point from where the shipment / dispatch begins.

Both Sales organization & Shipping point will be linked to plant (one or more).

In case of sale order, sales org will decide the delivering plant.

Shipping point will be picked based on delivery plant, shipping conditions (customer master) & loading grp (material master)

Q.13: In one sales order there are two materials can we maintain two different pricing procedures for these materials?


A pricing procedure is determined by means of doc procedure, sales area, and customer pricing procedure once determined it is linked with the sales area...but cannot be assigned for the, different materials as there is one procedure that can be allotted but the conditions can be customized as per the requirement, also the using pricing supplement is different which can be attached to that of the condition in case of change in the price.

Q.14: Can you change schedule lines in the delivery?


Schedule line in a sales order contain the delivery date and the quantity to be delivered. We can see the schedule lines in the order itself. Go to the order select the line item, click the schedule line button below (normally 10the button from the left) Like graph).

You can access the change functions for schedule lines at the following points in the system:

o In the item overview ( Edit Schedule lines)

o On the item data screen ( Edit Schedule line)

o On the Schedule lines tab page (buttons at the bottom of the schedule line overview)

The schedule line date in the order can be in the past, so can the required delivery date in the order, but the confirmation date will only ever be the current or future date, because SAP knows that you can not physically promise the customer you will deliver yesterday as it has yesterday has already gone

Rajesh Sharma

SAP MM/WM/EWM Functional Consultant

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Very nice and informative article...

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